Google interview question

Given an array of integers and an integer S, find if there are two numbers X and Y in the array such that X + Y = S. The problem was received by a friend during a phone interview with Google. A naive solution is:

void solutionNaive(vector& inVals, int sum) //O(n^2)
 size_t size = inVals.size();
 for (int i = 0; i < size-1; i++)
  for (int j = i+1; j < size; j++ )
   if (inVals[i] + inVals[j] == sum)
    printf("Values: %d and %d\n", inVals[i], inVals[j]);
 printf("Not found\n");

This is O(n^2) and its performance definitely not acceptable for large arrays. A faster solution is to use a hash set for storing the elements tested so far, and to test if S minus the current element was already stored in the hash set. More memory is used in this approach, but the complexity in this case is O(n) because searching in a hash set or hash map is O(1):

void solutionOk(vector& inVals, int sum) //O(n)
 hash_set checkedVals;
 for (vector::iterator it = inVals.begin(); it!= inVals.end(); ++it)
  if (checkedVals.find(sum - (*it)) != checkedVals.end())
   printf("Values: %d and %d\n", sum - (*it), *it);
 printf("Not found\n");

An other possible solution, not so efficient but interesting, is to sort te numbers and then for each X in the array to use binary search for searching if S-X is there. The complexity is O(nlog(n)), and no additional memory is used. An important aspect of this method is the way it handles the case when S-X = X:

void solutionNotSoBad(vector& inVals, int sum) ////O(n log(n))
 size_t size = inVals.size(); 
 //sorting is O(n log(n))
 sort(inVals.begin(), inVals.end());
 bool found = false;
 for (vector::iterator it = inVals.begin(); it != inVals.end(); ++it)
  vector::iterator current = it;
  int toFind = sum - (*it);
  if ((toFind <= *it) && (it!= inVals.begin()))
   found = binary_search(inVals.begin(), --current, toFind);
   current = it;
  if ((toFind >= *it) && (it != inVals.end()))
   found = binary_search(++current, inVals.end(), toFind);
   current = it;
  if (found)
   printf("Values: %d and %d\n", (*it), toFind);
 printf("Not found\n");


As a conclusion, keep in mind that hash based data structures are generally the most appropriate to use when fast search operations are needed.

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1 Response to Google interview question

  1. Balaji Sankar says:

    Hi. You might want hyperlink what hash based structures are… Helpful post nonetheless 🙂

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